Beauty is God’s fingerprint.
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Have you forgotten who you are?
Modernity thrives on answering yes to the question above.
Many do not even realize they follow the conditions of their program more so than the callings of their own heart.
Hallucinatory blinders, installed by the brutalist nature of our culture, casts a lens over human perception that leave us unaligned from natural beauty.
Technological urbanization, touted as the future of mankind, reinforces a dystopian outlook by keeping our awareness trapped within the confines of The Human Zoo.
With our mind captured, we have no choice but to uphold the conditions of our programming.
The impacts of this type of Groupthink are devastating.
Currently, society finds itself walking the lines of a Totalitarian Tiptoe, which will eventually lead to full scale technocracy through a transhumanist type of takeover.
The foundation for technocracy to thrive goes back to you answering yes to our beginning question, you have forgotten who you are.
One who has forgotten themselves will have no problem unconsciously selling their soul to the false promises of a technological revolution, as it serves as a potential escape from the harsh realities of this world while providing a illusory shield of immortality from death.
With a shallow view of self, we develop a shallow view of the world around us, causing us to miss out on the intricate beauty that give life meaning.
The reason we desecrate nature is to eliminate its beauty.
The reason for brutalist architecture is to make us forget beauty.
If man woke up every morning and was marveled by his physical surroundings, he would never fall into the trap of selling his own ideals for the sake of survival.
Beauty is a reminder of our infinite nature, our direct connection to source.
It is a mirror to the divine living within.
With gothic style architecture “no longer buildable,” we cannot look to the system to provide us with any resemblance or reminders to our true nature.
We must take it upon ourselves to become creators of beauty in order to save the spirit of mankind.
This first means engaging with beauty directly for inspiration: go in nature, read great poetic works, find remnants of history’s past in old architecture, and look for the small examples of beauty in people around you.
Look directly in the eyes of another, as that is the gateway to the soul.
Becoming conscious creators of beauty is the greatest form of missionary work that can be done, as through it we speak a language of divinity that goes beyond words.
“They fear love because it creates a world they can’t control.”
-George Orwell, 1984
Just as love cannot be controlled, neither can beauty.
It is the only way to bring light back into a world that is walking a path of darkness.
Shine bright and allow beauty to manifest itself through everything you do.
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The Church doesn't have the will to build Gothic architecture anymore. It is hoarding its money like a miser, and not spending it on art to glorify God, hospitals for the sick or education for our children.