Great explanation and summary of this fascinating and frighteningly real subject. Its so much to comprehend, that our response may be a form of cognitive dissonance, where we try to protect ourselves from frightening realities by ignoring it. The thing that freaks me out at the moment is the device that I am currently typing this message on, hooked up as a node on the vast network that is being used and will be used against us more fully as mind control appliances. The question for me is, how will we protect ourselves and our loved ones when the real big show begins? When beams of insanity and terror are directed into the minds of everyone? How will we keep ourselves grounded in reality? Even today, right now, I can see many of the things Monast spoke of taking place, as high velocity synthetic ionized winds blow, rattling my building and bending the trees.

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Grounding into spiritual consciousness has helped me feel a greater level of peace with all of this. If we know the true voice of Spirit, we can then distinguish and discern any noise coming in from the outside. All we can do is stay committed to truth and be the warrior who acts out of love.

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The technology is already being executed now as a precursor to prepare for their big roll out of the AC. The blue beam project seems to be the culmination of their agenda which they have been rolling out for over two decades now.

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